Common Wallaroo Fact File

Macropus robustus

Credit: Copyright. The Animal Facts.








Wild 18 years

Captive 19 years



Grasses, Shrubs

Conservation Status


Least Concern

The common wallaroo is a native of Australia. Here they range across much of the country. In the areas west of the dividing range they are more commonly known as the euro.

These animals are macropods, the same group which contains the more familiar kangaroos and as such they have large back feet which are used to hop along the ground.

These animals are associated with rocky outcrops giving rise to another alternative name of hill kangaroo. These are used to rest during periods of hot weather which are common in their range.

These animals are not considered under threat and instead are subject to control measures across their range both to supply the food and skin industry or to remove them from areas of cropping land where they are seen as a threat.

Learn more about these magnificent mammals by reading on below.


What does the common wallaroo look like?

The male common wallaroo has short reddish fur across their body. Young tend to be grey which is the same color of the females. The nose is black and hairless in both males and females.

These animals are part of the macropod family, meaning large foot. Their large back foot is used for hopping along the ground. The sole of the foot is roughened to provide additional grip on rough ground.

At the end of the body is a long tail which helps them to balance when hopping. This measures 60-90cm (23.5-35in) long.

An adult common wallaroo will measure an average of 0.8-1.4m (2.5-4.5ft) long. Males are much heavier than females. A male will weigh 7.25-60kg (16-132lbs) while females weigh 6.25-28kg (14-62lbs).


What does the common wallaroo eat?

The common wallaroo is a herbivore. They primarily browse for grass, ground plants and shrubs.

These animals can obtain water through drinking from free water or digging a soak in a creek bed. They are well equipped to conserve water which allows them to inhabit harsh areas. This means they can survive up to two weeks without water.

Common Wallaroo (Macropus robustus)

Credit: Copyright. The Animal Facts.


Where can you find the common wallaroo?

Australia is the native home of the common wallaroo. Here they can be found across the majority of the mainland. They are absent from areas in the south of the country and the island of Tasmania.

A subspecies is found on Barrow Island off the coast of Western Australia.


What kind of environment does the common wallaroo live in?

These animals are found in a wide variety of habitats including forest, savanna, shrubland and grassland.

A common feature of their habitat is steep escarpment, rocky hills or caves in which they can seek shelter during periods of extreme heat. They may also use areas of dense shrub for shelter.

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How does the common wallaroo produce its young?

Breeding will take place year round. During periods of drought they will reduce their breeding or potentially cease it entirely.

Males will fight one another for breeding rights with the females. They box one another using their back feet.

Females are almost continuously breeding. They will have one young waiting to be born in the uterus, another in the pouch and a final one at foot.

A single joey is born after a 33 day gestation period.

As a marsupial their young are born early in their development. At birth they are around the size of a jellybean with no hair and the eyes are closed. Young make their own way from the birth canal to the pouch. Here they will spend the first 231-270 days of life.

Once young leave the pouch they will stay near their mother. The pair often rest and groom together. Independence begins at about 20 months old.

Sexual maturity is reached by their second year of life. Males tend to mature later than females.


What does the common wallaroo do with its day?

During the heat of the day this species will seek shelter in a rocky outcrop, cliff or boulder. They will move around during sunset and sunrise when they will feed.

Young males will form pairs to practice boxing which is used to fight over mates.

Common Wallaroo

Credit: Public Domain

Predators and Threats

What is impacting the survival of the common wallaroo?

Young individuals will be hunted by the introduced red fox.

When a predator is spotted they will use an alarm signal or loud foot stomps to warn others of the danger.

These animals maintain a wide range and are facing no major threats in their range.

Across four states this species is included in macropod management plants which allow for the hunting of kangaroos. This can occur for both kangaroo products such as meat and skins along with to remove excess amounts in farming areas.

The subspecies found on Barrow Island appears to be suffering from nutritional stress.

Quick facts

In parts of their range this species is more commonly referred to as the euro. It may also be known as the hill kangaroo.

Common Wallaroo (Macropus robustus)

Credit: Copyright. The Animal Facts.


Burnie, D., 2011. Animal. 3rd ed. London: DK

Hall, L., Chamberlin, R., Curtis, L., Parish, S. and Mason, M., 2016. Field guide to Australian mammals. Glebe: Pascal Press.

Ellis, M., Menkhorst, P., Van Weenen, J., Burbidge, A.A., Copley, P., Denny, M.J.S., Zichy-Woinarski, J., Mawson, P. & Morris, K. 2019. Macropus robustusThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T40565A21953431. Downloaded on 17 November 2021. 2021. Fact Sheet - Euro. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2021]. 2021. Common Wallaroo » Caversham Wildlife Park. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2021]. 2021. Common Wallaroo Fact Sheet | [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2021].

Davis, K. 2014. "Macropus robustus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 17, 2021 at

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