European Tree Frog Fact File

Hyla arborea








Wild 22 years

Captive 22 years




Conservation Status


Least Concern

European tree frogs are also known as the common tree frog and have a wide-range across much of Europe.

They have bright, lime green skin across their body and sticky pads on the toes which can be used to climb trees.

These frogs hunt for insects and have a strong leap to catch insects.

In late spring the males gather at the breeding ponds and begin to call in hopes of attracting a mate who will then deposit up to 2000 eggs.

Learn more about these amazing amphibians below.


The skin of a European tree frog is colored a bright, lime green across the back with white on the underside. The skin is smooth. This coloration is variable across the year. After the winter hibernation they tend to be a grey-brown color. A dark stripe runs through the eye and down the back.

Their large eyes are colored golden with a black, horizontal pupil.

European tree frogs have slightly webbed toes and their toes end with adhesive discs to help them with climbing trees.

An average length for the European tree frog would be between 3 and 4.5cm (1.25-2in) long with a weight of 8.3g (0.3oz).

Males are distinguished by the vocal sac with dark skin folds and wrinkles under the throat.


European tree frogs are carnivores seeking out invertebrates such as flies and moths.

They have a strong leap which will allow them to catch flying insects.

European Tree Frog


As their name suggests the European tree frog is found in Europe. They are one of the most widespread tree frogs in Europe.

Here they can be found in the following countries - Albania; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czechia; Denmark; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Italy; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Moldova; Montenegro; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey and Ukraine.

Their current presence in Iran is uncertain.

The species went extinct in Latvia but has since been reintroduced. They were introduced to New Forest in the United Kingdom but this population is thought to have gone extinct.


European tree frogs are found in mixed forest, bush, shrubland, meadows and on lake shores.

They have shown an ability to live alongside humans in gardens, vineyards, orchards and parks. Populations exist in large cities such as Kiev.

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Mating takes place in late spring. The males will sit at the edge of a pond or on plants at the edge of the water and call to mates. They have a large air sac which helps to amplify their call. This can inflate up to the size of the frog.

At the breeding pools there tends to be more males than there is females.

Following mating she will deposit between 200 and 2000 eggs which are placed in small clumps of 3 to 100 eggs.

Their metamorphosis occurs between June and September. In some areas they will overwinter as a tadpole in the pond and complete the transition to an adult in the summer.

Parts of the range of the European tree frog occur alongside those of the Mediterranean tree frog (Hyla meridionalis). These two species can produce an infertile hybrid.


These animals are excellent climbers with special pads on the toes to help them climb.

European tree frogs are primarily active by night with an increase in activity after periods of rain.

European Tree Frog

Predators and Threats

Natural predators of the European tree frog include snakes such as the tiger keelback and mammals such as the red fox.

Humans are impacting on the European tree frog through habitat loss and fragmentation, pollution of their habitat and the introduction of predatory fish.

In parts of their range European tree frogs are collected for the pet trade.

Quick facts

The European tree frog is also known as the common tree frog.

European Tree Frog

Photo Credits

Top and Bottom

Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Middle One

Basile Morin, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Middle Two

I, Luc Viatour, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


Burnie, D., 2011. Animal. 3rd ed. London: DK

Ambrose, J., 2015. Wildlife Of The World. 1st ed. London: Dorling Kindersley

Jackson, T. and Chinery, M., 2005. Animals of Africa & Europe. London: Southwater.

Ugur Kaya, Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avisi, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, U?ur Kaya. 2009. Hyla arborea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T10351A3197528. Downloaded on 19 May 2021. 2021. European Green Tree Frog - Hyla arborea. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 May 2021]. 2021. European tree frog-Encyclopedia of Life. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 May 2021].

AmphibiaWeb 2021 Hyla arborea: Common Tree Frog <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed May 18, 2021.

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